Thursday, 20 March 2014

walking catfish


·        a species of freshwater air breathing catfish
·        mostly found in south east asia
·        considered as a invasive species
·        able to walk on dry land to find food and a new environment

How does it walk on land ?

·        uses its pectoral fins to keep it upright
·        wiggles in a snake like moition to stay moist
·        lives in slow moving and stagnant waters like ponds, swamps, streams, rivers, flooded rice paddies, temporary pools
            How does it look like?
·         Elongated body
·         Skin covered with small white spots
·         Skin colour is gray or grayish brown
·         Long based dorsal and anal fins, some pairs of sensory barbells
·         Scaleless skin that is covered with mucus to protect the fish when it is out of water
What does it eat?
·       It feeds on smaller fish,  molluscs, and other invertebrates, also detritus and aquatic weeds
·       It can consume food really rapidly
·       Also it can be harmful when invasive
·       Most people in Thailand eat this fish since it is commonly found there and it  is inexpensive
·       Street vendors either barbecue or fried and sold

·       It is banned from putting it in aquariums and keeping them in some places in the world
Food chain
Algae---->snail-----> walking catfish-----> shark


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